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    About Us

    We counsel our clients on their key strategic issues, leveraging our deep industry expertise and using analytical rigor to help them make informed decisions more quickly and solve their toughest and most critical business problems.

    Founded in London in 1983 by three partners, we now employ more than 1,000 professionals worldwide. We advise and support global companies that are leaders in their industries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.

    We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.

    We help entrepreneurs get ready to raise capital. Please note that we cannot help our clients raise capital. This usually consists of some or all of our services. This is a service that is heavily regulated.

    Company News

    • The Role of a Financial Advisor or Certified Professional Accountant in Wealth Management: Do You Need One?

      Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, managing finances can be overwhelming. Whether you’re just starting out or have accumulated significant wealth, having a solid wealth management plan is crucial. This is where a financial advisor can play a pivotal role. But what exactly does a financial advisor do, and do you really need one? In this

      September 2, 2024
    • The Importance of Good Accounting: Building a Strong Financial Foundation

      Introduction When we think about building a strong business, we often focus on the more visible aspects, like branding, sales, and customer service. However, one of the most critical pillars of any successful business is good accounting. Just like the foundation of a house, good accounting practices provide the structural support needed to ensure a

      August 26, 2024
    • Comparing Business Loan Options: Finding the Best Fit for You

      Introduction Running a business is no small feat, and financing plays a crucial role in its success. Whether you’re looking to expand, invest in new equipment, or manage cash flow, choosing the right business loan can make all the difference. But with so many options available, how do you know which one is the best

      August 19, 2024
    • Accounting Tips for Small Business Owners

      Introduction Accounting is often considered the backbone of any successful business, and for small business owners, it’s no different. Proper accounting ensures that you’re keeping track of your finances, meeting tax obligations, and making informed decisions that drive growth. But let’s face it—accounting can be daunting, especially when you’re juggling multiple responsibilities. In this article,

      August 12, 2024
    • 6 Common Tax Mistakes to Avoid This Filing Season

      Introduction Filing your taxes can feel like navigating a maze, and one wrong turn can lead to costly mistakes. It’s not just about crunching numbers; it’s about ensuring accuracy, understanding regulations, and being mindful of deadlines. This guide will help you sidestep six common tax pitfalls and make your filing season as smooth as possible.

      August 5, 2024
    • Tax Season Survival Guide: Strategies for Stress-Free Filing

      Introduction Tax season can be one of the most stressful times of the year. The pressure of deadlines, the fear of making mistakes, and the sheer amount of paperwork can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right strategies and preparation, you can tackle tax season with confidence and ease.

      July 29, 2024
    • The Role of a Financial Advisor: Why You Need One for Your Financial Health

      Introduction Maintaining financial health is as crucial as taking care of your physical well-being. Just as a doctor helps you stay physically fit, a financial advisor helps you manage your money effectively. But what exactly does a financial advisor do, and why might you need one? Let’s dive in to explore the pivotal role they

      July 24, 2024
    • Financial Regrets to Sidestep: Tips for Smarter Money Management

      Introduction Ever looked back and thought, “I wish I had handled my money differently”? You’re not alone. Many of us have financial regrets, but the good news is that we can learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Smart money management is crucial for a secure financial future, and by

      July 15, 2024
    • The Impact of Inflation on Your Savings: Strategies to Preserve Wealth

      Introduction Inflation is like a stealthy thief, slowly eroding the value of your hard-earned money. But what exactly is inflation, and how does it impact your savings? More importantly, what can you do to protect your wealth in an inflationary environment? Let’s dive in and explore the ins and outs of inflation and discover effective

      July 8, 2024
    • Retirement Planning: How to Ensure a Comfortable Future

      Introduction Planning for retirement might seem like a daunting task, but it’s one of the most crucial steps to ensure a comfortable and secure future. With the right approach, you can pave the way for a retirement that’s not just financially stable but also fulfilling and enjoyable. This guide will walk you through the essential

      July 1, 2024

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